5 January 2023
Three fast facts about our employees
At Vår Energi we focus on the people. Our employees’ knowledge and expertise is how we maintain efficient and secure operations.
It is the employees at Vår Energi who create the company, who exercise and live the culture.
Who works at Vår Energi?
Short facts on who our employees are:
1. Energiers
Our employees create energy and engagement around innovation, sustainability and the future of energy production.
2. Inspirational
We focus greatly on expertise- and personal development. We are solution oriented, and we are not afraid to challenge ourselves and our partners for action.
3. Reflecting a diverse community with free identity- and culture expression.
Vår Energi is Norway’s largest oil and gas company on the Norwegian Continental Shelf (NCS), with 1000 employees in different roles, positions and professional fields. We value knowledge and engagement, and we offer graduate- and intern programs (LINK) for all our offices and installations.
What is it like working at Vår Energi?
Whether it is working offshore at the North Sea, in a department office in Hammerfest, or as a geologist at Forus, there is one common denominator; open doors with low threshold. Our employees are our most important resource, therefore their voices have a genuine influence. One example is the distribution of holiday days, where we have changed the routines and now offer 6 weeks of holiday for all employees, as well as benefits such as remote working and flexible arrangements.
Actual value creation is important to us at Vår Energi. We have a responsibility in terms of society and sustainability, and will be a trusted energy supplier also in the future. Vår Energi is oil and gas. But we are also the people who produce it. And we are the people who need it.