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Sustainability lead

Offshore workers on board the Goliat platform

Our ambition is to be an ESG leader through safe, healthy, secure and sustainable operations throughout the value chain, with minimal impact on the environment. This goes hand-in-hand with efficient operations, well-executed projects and strong drilling and well operations.

Vår Energi will achieve this through extensive collaboration and dialogue with highly skilled partners, suppliers, trade unions, and the authorities. To achieve this, Vår Energi has made the commitment to deliver a better future, working towards:

  • a stable and secure energy supply with lower greenhouse gas emissions
  • responsible management of natural resources
  • a solid flow of revenue for owners and the broader Norwegian society – based on increased energy production for customers in Europe.
quote_left_fill Ensuring access to energy for all while transitioning toward a low-carbon economy is a major challenge both for Vår Energi and for society at large.

Sustainable value creation

The NCS exhibits low CO2 emissions from production with an average of 7 kg of CO2 per barrel, compared to the global average of around 17 kg of CO2 per barrel. The region is a global leader in electrification, with 40% of the NCS slated to be electrified mainly with renewable hydropower by 2025.

Supports UN goals

Vår Energi supports the UN’s sustainability goals and use them as a framework for the sustainability work. We focus on creating value for shareholders, while at the same time respecting the environment, people and society.

Ivar Kvadsheim i Vår Energi sine lokaler

Environmentally friendly oil and gas production?

There are many paths leading to the objective. A more climate- and environmentally friendly oil extraction is achieved through our own measures and through collaboration with supplier- and value chains.

Sustainability Manager, Ivar Kvadsheim explains.

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Our measures for sustainable production of energy

Vår Energi is committed to a more sustainable production of energy through minimising our own greenhouse gas emissions. Here are some of our measures to reduce the emissions from our production.

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