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Contractors and Suppliers

To ansatte i kjeledress som står og snakker sammen, på et av våre prosjekter.

We cooperate closely with our contractors and Vår Energi’s contractors and business partners play a key role in executing safe operations and delivering high quality products and services.

Competence matrix for technical contractors (rev. Mar-24)

All service personnel travelling offshore to our assets need the following competence requirements:

  • Basic Safety Training according to NOROG002
  • Approved Health certificate for offshore
  • Vår Energi Safety Training (VEST) (Trainingportal)
  • Fall Protection Basic Offshore Norge113 (competence requirement for personnel working above 200cm)
  • For personnel working with work permit system: e-learning course in AVEVA & VEMS; Work Permit System (WPS) Basis course for the main and utility process (Trainingportal)

All personnel working offshore on 2 – 4 fixed rotations to a Vår Energi asset is expected to have the addition competence:

  • Scaffolding user course (Trainingportal MTP-057)
  • Falling objects – prevention (Trainingportal DOM-001)

Offshore worker on Ringhorne platform

Register to Magnet JQS

We invite qualified suppliers to bid for provision of goods and/or services. For prequalification purposes, Vår Energi use Magnet JQS, and urge existing and prospective suppliers to maintain an updated profile.

Magnet JQS

Contract and supplier management

Vår Energi uses the contract and supplier relationship management solution, Ivalua.

  • Suppliers who are part of contractual processes with Vår Energi are required to register or update their company profile in Ivalua. Please note that this does not apply to all suppliers, but specifically to those involved in contractual agreements
  • All strategic tender processes take place in Ivalua and tenders are to be submitted through Ivalua.
  • Ivalua offers communication channels which are preferred for tenders and contracts.
  • Through use of change requests contractors are expected to continuously update their company information. This is to ensure that Vår Energi at all times have the correct contractor and contacts information.
  • Contractors can upload documents to their company profile (i.e. ISO certifications, Compliance Declaration Form, Confidentiality Agreement etc.)
  • Overview of ongoing tenders, you as a contractor is invited to, is available in Ivalua.
  • Contracts and related documents will be stored and available in Ivalua.


In an interim period, Vår Energi ASA will use two different SAP systems, including two invoicing email addresses. It is important that our suppliers use the correct invoicing address stated on the Purchase Order when invoicing the company.

Option 1: Invoicing to Vår Energi ASA heritage SAP system


Always use EHF for sending an invoice to Vår Energi ASA heritage system. This will ensure that the information arrives in our system correctly and can be addressed to the correct department and person. Pagero Online is our portal for use of EHF.

You should be able to find us in the ELMA register. Our VAT no. is 919 160 675, our GLN no. is 7080004360631 and our ID is 0192:919160675.

If you have any questions about the .xml file? Please contact your own IT department, or your supplier of the EHF portal.


All invoices must contain a valid PO-number. EHF files need to follow standard set-up. PO-number must be listed in the field “Order Reference”. (Invoice/cac:OrderReference/cbc:ID in the .xml-file)

PO is to be listed in one of the following formats:

  • 42xxxxxxxx
  • 44xxxxxxxx
  • 45xxxxxxxx
  • 49xxxxxxxx

In addition to regulatory invoice requirements, the invoice must contain the following information:

  • Service Entry Sheet (SES) number if applicable.
  • Name of Vår Energi contact/reference person / Cost Code.

If EHF is not possible to send due to technical reasons, a PDF invoice can be sent:

Send invoice with attachments in one single PDF file. The subject field of the email shall start with reference; invoice no. xxx

  • Only one invoice pr. email
  • Send PDF to: invoice@­
  • Receivers name & address: Vår Energi ASA, PO Box 101, 4068 Stavanger.

For Proforma invoice:

  • Proforma invoice shall be sent directly by email to Vår Energi contact person.

If you have any questions regarding the above for Vår Energi ASA, please do not hesitate to contact: accounts.payable@­


Option 2: Invoicing to former Vår Energi Norge AS heritage system (Neptune)


  • Send invoice with attachments in one single PDF file. The subject field of the email shall start with reference; invoice no. xxx
  • Only one invoice pr. email
  • Send PDF to: VEN.accounts.payable@­
  • Receivers name & address: Vår Energi ASA, PO Box 101, 4068 Stavanger.


Invoice shall always be marked with the Purchase Order Number on the following formats:

  • 40xxxxxxxx
  • 42xxxxxxxx
  • 47xxxxxxxx
  • 80xxxxxxxx

Invoice shall always be in accordance with Purchase Order set up, meaning that each line in the Purchase Order shall have a corresponding line on the invoice. Each line shall contain the following information, which shall be identical with the information given in the Purchase Order:

  • Purchase Order Item number
  • Material number (if definded)
  • Short text description

Any Invoices not in accordance with these instructions will be returned at supplier risk and account.

If you have any questions regarding invoicing according to option 2, please do not hesitate to contact: VEN.accounts.payable@­

Terms and conditions for PO

Code of ethics

Vår Energi applies a high standard of corporate governance. Our aim is to make ethical, responsible and profitable decisions and act accordingly. Our main priority is the health and safety of our employees and contractors. We expect all relevant business partners to comply with our compliance policy.

Vår Energi Code of ethics.

Compliance Declaration Form

Ung ansatt i Vår Energi

All enterprises (Contractors and subcontractors) that perform any work for Vår Energi shall make itself acquainted and comply with Vår Energi`s compliance requirements. In addition, the Individual Confidential Agreement should be signed when requested by Vår Energi.

Inside information webinar

Mandatory training for everyone working for or on behalf of Vår Energi that may get or have access to sensitive information. This includes, but are not limited to, contractor personnel working on Company premises.

Please ask your Vår Energi contact person for access to webinar.

Policies and governing documents

Instructions for goods deliveries and contact details

Deliveries of goods to Vår Energi ASA must be packed and marked in accordance with Packaging and Labeling Instructions. It is essential that goods are clearly marked with references and addresses as described in the Purchase Order. Delivery addresses and details can be found in the Packaging and Labeling Instructions.

Vår Energi Packaging and Labeling instructions

Goods quality codes for deliverables to Ringhorne, Balder and Jotun assets

Technical documentation

Technical Documentation for materials delivered to Vår Energi shall be sent to drift@­

Practical information for offshore service

Vår Energi Norge AS – Transparency Act