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Delivering growth and operational excellence

Vår Energi continuously works to prolong field life and extend the production plateau through optimised drilling and technology advancements. This is an important part of the strong reserve replacement ratio of more than 160% over the past four years.

Ansatt i verneklær som ser i kamera og smiler. Sikkerhet er en prioritering som inngår i vår strategi.The company indicates additional resources of about 30 kboepd per year post 2025. Vår Energi aims to double production from 2023 levels to around 400 kboepd by the end of2025. The acquisition of Neptune Energy Norge AS adds scale to a high-value portfolio.  

The company is continuously seeking to improve its operational performance. Since 2018, initiatives to drive production efficiency at the operated assets have delivered a 10% improvement, from 80% production efficiency to 90%. The company aims to improve further on production efficiency from 2025 and beyond. At the same time, Vår Energi is constantly working to improve energy efficiency through operations, by reducing flaring, cold venting, and fugitive emissions.  

The company’s target is to reduce direct (scope 1) emissions by more than 50% by 2030, compared to 2005 emissions. 

always safe annual wheel for activities

Operational safety is a top priority

Our ambition is to be the safest operator on the NCS, with the aim of reducing injury totals to near-zero levels.

Vår Energi collaborates with Equinor, ConocoPhillips and Aker BP on the Always Safe annual wheel. The purpose of Always Safe is to strengthen the industry’s safety behaviour and culture. Through this joint effort we utilise the strengths of standardisation, increasing the impact in the industry with partners, suppliers and contractors.


producing fields

293 000

barrels per day first half of 2024

1 400


Vår Energi key hubs

Map of NCS with VE hub areas

Vår Energi’s hub strategy is to cultivate a strong portfolio with significant production and exploration potential. The robust and diverse portfolio provides insights into assets and licenses across the entire NCS, identifying and realising value capture opportunities.

As part of Vår Energi’s hub strategy, the company identifies strategic focus areas that provide a framework for evaluating exploration and development opportunities, maximising the use of resources and optimising value creation throughout Vår Energi’s portfolio.

The company’s core assets are located around four strategic hubs: the Barents Sea, the Norwegian Sea, the Balder/Grane area, and the North Sea, with a total of 43 producing fields.

At the end of 2023, no single area accounted for more than 30% of the total 2P reserves and no single field accounted for more than 14% of the total production. 

The Balder/Grane area

The Balder/Grane Area, which accounted for 15% of the company’s production for 2023 and 294 mmboe in 2P reserves at the end of the year, is a core hub with an expected long-term production upside. At Balder and Ringhorne, Vår Energi is the operator and holds a 90% working interest in Balder and 92.6% working interest in Ringhorne East.

Other key assets in the Balder/Grane area are Grane and Breidablikk. Vår Energi holds an approx. 28.3% working interest in Grane.

The Breidablikk field, which is located around 10 km northeast of the Grane platform, started up ahead of schedule with first production in October 2023. The field development concept includes four subsea templates tied back to the Grane platform by pipeline. Vår Energi holds a 34.4% working interest in Breidablikk. 


Balder field is located in the North Sea – in the first awarded licence with first search drilling and first oil discovery on the NCS (production licence 001).

The Balder field is developed with a floating production unit (FPU) and several subsea production systems. Production started in 1999.

Supply båt og tankskip i produksjon på Balder-feltet

Ringhorne og Ringhorne Øst

Ringhorne field is located in the North Sea, about nine kilometres north east of Balder FPU.

The field is equipped with a platform which produces and sends oil and gas to Balder FPU for final process, storage and export. The production on Ringhorne started in 2003.

Ringhorne East is equipped with four wells from the Ringhorne field with production starting in 2006. A new drilling campaign from the Ringhorne platform started in 2019 and is still ongoing.

Plattform i Ringhorne-feltet. Produksjon av olje og gass

The North Sea

The North Sea, which accounted for 35% of the company’s production in 2023 and 228 mmboe in 2P reserves as of 31 December 2023, is a combination of a mature area with high activity and lifetime extensions for key fields, as well as prosperous future tie-ins.

After the acquisition of Neptune Energy Norge AS, completed 31 January 2024, Vår Energi became the operator of the Gjøa and Duva fields in the North Sea. The Gjøa area consists of fully electrified assets with lower emissions from production than average on the NCS.

Vår Energi also acquired a 25% working interest in the Gudrun field, with shared infrastructure and joint electrification with Sleipner. The Hywind Tampen floating wind farm, which was opened in August 2023, provides power to Snorre and Gullfaks.

Key assets:

  • Gjøa area (Gjøa, Duva, Vega)
  • Ekofisk area
  • Snorre and Statfjord
  • Fram area
  • Sleipner area (incl. Gudrun) 


Duva is an oil and gas subsea tie-back development to the Vår Energi-operated Gjøa-platform in the North Sea. It is located 14 km northeast of the Gjøa field at a water depth of 340 metres.

Discovered in 2016, Duva was developed as a fast-track development project in parallel with the Gjøa P1 segment and commenced production in 2021.

Illustration of Duva subsea tieback to Gjøa


Gjøa is situated in the northern part of the North Sea and is predominantly a gas field. It was discovered in 1989, and production commenced in 2010.

The semi-submersible Gjøa production unit is electrified with power from shore and produces at less than half the average carbon intensity of NCS fields. The floating production facility has been designed to act as an area hub.


The Norwegian Sea

The Norwegian Sea, which accounted for 42% of the company’s production in 2023 and 238 mmboe in 2P reserves as of 31 December 2023, features multiple fields with high infill drilling activity. The area is the main gas producer in the company’s portfolio.  

Vår Energi is present in all the key producing assets and secured the Fenja operatorship following the Neptune Energy Norge AS acquisition in 2024. The company is participating in several development projects, both in early phase and execution phase, which will come on stream within a few years and provide additional high-value barrels.

Related to exploration, Vår Energi continues to be active to secure longer-term production and the company carries several firm wells in its program, both operated and non-operated. With low unit cost and with several emission reduction projects in the pipeline, the long-term production from the area will be attractive also from a sustainability point of view.

Key assets:

  • Åsgard Area (Åsgard, Mikkel, Trestakk, Morvin, Kristin, Tyrihans)
  • Njord Area (Njord, Fenja, Bauge, Hyme) 
  • Ormen Lange
  • Heidrun


Fenja is a subsea development located in the Norwegian Sea. Discovered in 2014, the oil and gas field is connected to the Njord A platform.

The 36 km subsea production pipeline connecting field and host is the world’s longest electrically trace-heated pipe-in-pipe.  Production from the Fenja-field commenced in April 2023.

The Barents Sea

The Barents Sea Area, which accounted for 8% of the company’s production for 2023 and 226 mmboe in 2P reserves at the end of the year, features significant value and upside potential. Key assets include the Goliat field (in which Vår Energi holds a 65% working interest and is the operator), the only oil producing field in the Barents Sea Area with active infill drilling ongoing. It features one of the world’s largest and most sophisticated circular and permanently anchored FPSO units. Vår Energi has, together with the licence partner, approved concept selection (DG2) for a gas export solution from Goliat to the Snøhvit pipeline for further transport of gas to the Hammerfest LNG plant.  

The Goliat gas project is an important step for increased gas export capacity from the Barents Sea. Another key asset in the Barents Sea Area is Johan Castberg, a sanctioned and substantially de-risked project with first oil planned for the fourth quarter of 2024. Vår Energi holds a 30% working interest in Johan Castberg. In 2023, Vår Energi confirmed discovery of oil in the operated Countach well in the Goliat production license. The Countach well was drilled about 13 kilometres northeast of the Goliat field in the southern part of the Barents Sea and 91 km from Hammerfest.  

The discovery was the first well testing the Goliat-Countach trend. 3-4 follow-up wells are planned in 2024/2025 with a potential of up to 200 mmboe in net unrisked resources. The Snøhvit field was added to the Barents Sea Area portfolio after the acquisition of Neptune Energy Norge AS, completed 31 January 2024. Snøhvit is a highly strategic long-life LNG asset. 


Goliat field is located in the Barent Sea, and is the first producing oil field in the northern areas of the Norwegian Continental Shelf.

Goliat was discovered in 2000, and plans for development and operation were approved in 2009.

The field is developed with a floating production unit optimised to withstand cold and bad weather. Production started in march 2016.

Goliat-feltet i Barentshavet. Oljefelt med produksjon i det nordligste området på norsk sokkel

Crude oil assays

For each crude oil type, there is a commercial assay based on a representative sample of the crude. Crude oil lifted at the Balder field is a mix of Ringhorne, Ringhorne East & Balder. There are two Balder Crude oil analysis done in 2021.

Our measures for sustainable production of energy

Vår Energi is committed to a more sustainable production of energy through minimising our own greenhouse gas emissions. Here are som of our measures to reduce the emissions from our production.

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Ivar Kvadsheim i Vår Energi sine lokaler

Environmentally friendly oil and gas production?

There are many paths leading to the objective. A more sustainable oil extraction is achieved through our own measures and through collaboration with supplier- and value chains.

Sustainability Manager, Ivar Kvadsheim explains.


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Prosessoperatør-lærling, Agnete Svanholm på Goliat-feltet

You get used to the offshore lifestyle pretty quickly!

Process operator apprentice Agnete Svanholm shares her experience as an apprentice with Vår Energi on the Goliat field.

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