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Spire – the meeting place for all under 35!

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Spire is  a member organisation, by and for employees under the age of 35.

As a part of our young professionals-network, Spire is a forum creating a place to meet for young employees, across all functions, both onshore and offshore.

Spire also works to connect students, graduates and the young employees at Vår Energi, with the objective to create a great foundation for new employees.

Graduates, apprentices and summer-interns are never alone. Through Spire you have access to a network and able to kickstart your career.

Spire activities

Sharing knowledge

Spire organize several events and activities throughout the year, focusing on sharing and increasing knowledge. Professional days and “Spire Talks” are some examples of arenas where you can gain insight to a profession, a project or where you can address professional discussions.


Spire strives to facilitate for students and newly graduated to have a network who can contribute to build relations across departments, locations and roles.

Social activities

Spire organizes several social events and activities through the year.

Contact the Spire Board (photo)
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