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18 September 2018

Digitisation of the Norwegian continental shelf - Norwegian-developed tool monitors Goliat production in real time

Eni Norge has, in cooperation with Safetec and SINTEF, developed a web-based tool for collecting, systematising and presenting safety critical information on the Goliat platform in the Barents Sea. The system measures and monitors over 10 600 technical components in real time. This innovative solution is now being used for the first time offshore.

Today’s solution reflects several years of intensive work in the industry to develop better methods and systems for risk management. Since 2013, Eni Norway with design and engineering support from Safetec and SINTEF, and software development of Eigen Ltd, has developed a BSP-Barrier Status Panel (BSP) tool to provide better information about the status of major accident-critical barriers for use in daily priorities. The tool had its official launch just before the summer.